Originally printed in Missing Link Technology’s first Partner Newsletter

Brett Bruvold
Brett Bruvold
Business Development

Prior to working at Missing Link Technology, I was selling software for another company. The product was great but didn’t have an out-of-the-box integration to other systems so I repeatedly hit the sales roadblock when the prospect would ask, “I like it, but how do we make this communicate with our ERP and/or payroll system?”.

Thankfully, we met and partnered with Missing Link Technology to handle the integration piece. They were easy to work with, joined our sales calls, had experience with many ERP and payroll systems as well as HR, MES, Scheduling and more. In time we chose to white label the product and make it part of our offering.

I’m happy to report that partnership with MLT brought my close ratio up by 28%. It wasn’t just the closed deals though – we also felt more confident in our installation and implementation. No one likes returns or dissatisfied customers. Working with MLT made the installs stick!

I didn’t realize how vast the opportunities were for Missing Link Technology until I came on board a year ago. All of our integrations are fully automated and happen right now, in real time. With The LINK®, you get a world-class API integration suite. If you take in inventory on the dock, it’s in the system in the front office before it gets onto the shelves. It happens NOW, and we can handle 400+ transactions per second.

I can say it’s a great product, but I’ll let you decide that by seeing what our customers say on our website. The bottom line for you is that partnering with MLT will make you more money with new sales and keep your current clients using your software. It is a win-win deal.

Check out our Partner page on our website.